We invite you for three days of wood: 1.-3.7.2022!
The Teacher: Nikos is wood sculptor and has quite some experience in wood turning. He is also creative youthworker.

You will learn basics of woodturning and there is the possibility to do your own small project, for example a small bowl.
There are ony two lathes available for five participants. So in the meantime you can learn sculpting and carving techniques. There will be a lot of carving tools to play with.
If you want to do your own projects in this field, this is also possible.
Thanks the Neustart Kultur funding, we can offer the workshop for 20€/day including food. That is in total 60 € p.p., donations for the gutalaune organisation are of course always welcome.
Register at nikoswoelfl@posteo.de
The course is limited on five participants maximum, so be fast!
Gefördert vom Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien: