with Dorli Flaemig and Naomi Warndorff
This will be an immersive week of playing with, discovering and developing your skills in:
- Harmonising – how and what
- Creating pieces with word, rhythm, melody and harmony
- Improvising
- Singing songs
- Developing more complex rhythmic skills
- Engaging your body as well as your voice when you sing
All these elements will be explored during the week and there is flexibility on our part as facilitators to go more or less into certain subjects, depending on what we are having most fun with or want to learn more about.

Requirements for participating: Since we want to play with harmony, it is helpful if you have the capacity to copy a tone someone else is singing (so if I sing a certain tone to you, you sing the same tone and not a completely different, random tone).
Where & When: The workshop will not take place on Gut Alaune but at a location to be announced, in Halle (Saale). If you come from far away contact us, if you need a place to sleep. Times: 10:00 – 15:30.
Language: The workshop will be either in English or in a combination of English and German, depending on what the group needs. Please let us know if you do not speak English or if you do not speak German.
How to apply: To join please fill in the form at https://forms.gle/5aT5PXMPVBQDq7aPA For questions, please contact Naomi: contact@naomiwarndorff.com
About Dorli: Dorli is a multitalented community builder, hiphop artist, choir and harmony singer and children’s song expert. She brings to this workshop her joy and experience in bringing word and sound together, giving space to emotions in words, and her joy and ability to organise and structure things. She performs with her HipHop trio Addlips and sings daily to and with her 5 year old daughter, Ada.

About Naomi: Naomi is an intimacy journeyer, feelings worker, possibility coach and bodyworker (dance and acrobatics) and studied music pedagogy. She delivers multidisciplinary singing workshops internationally in which a deeper understanding of artful expression is created by engaging not only with singing but also with dance, play, writing, improvising and composition. Naomi brings attentiveness to emotions of herself and others, unbelievable encouragement for singing and a big ability to teach music. She loves and enjoys to write rich, layered and dissonant harmonies.

Cost: This project is funded within Neustart Kultur Programm 2. Therefor we can offer it for the generous price of 20€ per day per person (100€ in total).
Funded by the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien