We’re exploring, how further development of community projects (like GutAlaune) can succeed after the first years of enthusiasm. We’ve been building up this project and living space for the last five years. A space for cultural, artistic, sustainable, ecological research and exchange and youth projects in and around our community gardens and open Workshops. In this time a lot of questions arose on communal projects and how to develope them in a healthy and sustainable way.

In the next two years we want to further engage in these questions! We have therefore applied for a funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

With your help we’ve already received an award for our first idea. And for the last six months we have worked on a concept on how to deveop our idea of a communal project and living space and found experts and researchers focusing on this topic.

We now have two weeks to get votes wich will give us a bigger chance to receive funding over the next 2 years!

So we would be very happy if you vote for us and show the ministry, that communal projectspaces are important to the world.

Voting: www.gesellschaft-der-ideen.de -> Mitmachen -> Konzept bewerten (until: 21.6.21)

You then have to enter your name, surname, email and age, check a few boxes on the following page and then find GutAlaune in the pictures on the next page (click on the questionmark at the top right of the picture) -> then click on „Konzept bewerten“

Enter short answers to the following questions (they are in german, so we translated them for you and think, that it is ok to answer in English)

  1. Why do you think, that this idea is especially important for our society?
  2. How do you judge the development of this idea within the last six months? (regarding the concept)?
  3. What would you advice the project team for the next two years (Erprobungsphase) while they get funded for this project?

Please spread the news!! For example this facebook post:

Or join our facebook event and invite your friends: https://fb.me/e/2f3VnlIbH

Get ready for loads of workshops & building weeks to join – if the funding works out! We will let you know via the newsletter.